When you enter The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood you are transported into the pages of JK Rowling masterpiece books. From the snow-capped buildings in the Hogsmead village to the frightening Knockturn Alley, you feel like you are a muggle wandering through a place you might just not belong.

One of the “treats” the wizarding world has shared with us is the delightful Butterbeer! The sweet ingredients in a Butterbeer are rightfully kept secret from the muggle world. I can only describe the flavor as a butterscotch syrup mixed with a shortbread cookie.

Did you know there are at least 6 different ways you can try Butterbeer? We’ve tried them all with a little help from some friends… Take a look here!

“All I want to do is be at Hogwarts with you, eating turkey legs in the great hall while listening to the carols of the ghosts gliding past us. Then maybe we can go to Hogsmeade to get a butterbeer.”  ― Maria Elena, Eternal Youth

Cold Butterbeer

There is only one carbonated version of Butterbeer in the parks and you can only get it cold. This is one of my personal favorites. It is a fizzy and sweet drink that has a nondairy foam at the top. I loved cream soda as a child and this makes me remember summers as a kid buying the glass cream soda bottles from our local grocery store. You can get it in a plastic cup or one of their souvenir mugs to take home with you. Or you can get it from the link below if you missed out on the mug when you were there.

Cold Butterbeer is the easiest to find in the park: Where to find it: In Diagon Alley, you’ll find cold Butterbeer at The Leaky Cauldron, The Fountain of Fair Fortune and The Hopping Pot. In Hogsmeade, you can locate it at The Three Broomsticks, Hog’s Head and two Butterbeer street carts.

Frozen Butterbeer

Frozen butterbeer will always be my go-to when the park is super hot. Which is about 90% of the time in Orlando. It is so refreshing and ha the consistency of a “Slush Puppy” or ICEE from 7-11.

Where to find it: In Diagon Alley, you’ll find Frozen Butterbeer at The Leaky Cauldron, The Fountain of Fair Fortune and The Hopping Pot. In Hogsmeade, you can locate it at The Three Broomsticks, Hog’s Head and two Butterbeer street carts.

Hot Butterbeer

This is a seasonal delight that is a must-try for me! Nothing hits the spot better than a hot Butterbeer on a cool morning in the park or evening while walking through Hogsmead. “Harry drank deeply. It was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted and seemed to heat every bit of him from the inside.” – Harry Potter and the Prison of Azkaban

Where to find it: When it’s in season, hot Butterbeer is available at The Leaky Cauldron and The Hopping Pot in Diagon Alley and The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

Butterbeer Soft Serve Ice Cream

Every soft serve ice cream flavor at Florian Fortescue’s Ice-Cream Parlour has a vanilla soft serve base, with a swirl of whatever flavor you order, including the Butterbeer flavor with a golden brown swirl. The Butterbeer flavor is more subtle this way, but still very tasty!

Where to find it: In Diagon Alley, you can get Butterbeer ice cream at Florean Fortescue’s Ice-Cream Parlour or The Hopping Pot. In Hogsmeade, you’ll find it at The Three Broomsticks.

Butterbeer Fudge

The Butterbeer fudge looks just like Butterbeer with two layers, the top one-third layer is a cream color and resembles the foam on the top of a tankard of Butterbeer, while the bottom two-thirds layer is a butterscotch golden brown. Both layers are extremely sweet and in my opinion, too much for one person. This is something fun to try, but not something you would want to have too much of.

Where to find it: Grab Butterbeer fudge at Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop in Diagon Alley or Honeydukes in Hogsmeade.

Butterbeer Potted Cream

The name of this threw us off a little. It isn’t exactly something I am familiar with and assumed it was another UK treat I hadn’t heard of. This little jar is a VERY sweet dessert. It is even sweeter than the fudge. The potted cream is a cross between a frosting-like whipped cream and butterscotch custard. It is thick and creamy, and served in a tiny pot-like jar with a locking lid.

Where to find it: Pick up Butterbeer potted cream at The Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley or The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

Do you want to make your own Butterbeer at home? We found this fun cookbook on Amazon that we used to make our favorite drink at home! It is so close to the real thing.

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